They Say:

Bill Hillsman:

“The Hanker-Beck squad will be tough to beat if Ron Clark, their starting shortstop, gets hurt early enough in the season. If Clark stays healthy, I think we can catch them.”

Al Cutler:

“We’ve got the horse but I don’t know if we’ll be able to make them drink.”

Seth Moskowitz:

“Who the hell is Peter Nose?”

Tim Sullivan:

The Moskowitz-Kracum team, our opening day opponent, are a bunch of cry babies who don’t wash behind their ears. I don’t like them.”

Dan Flory:

“I’m looking forward to a long and happy season filled with truth, beauty and lots of exta base hits.”

Mick Grimm:

“Me and Rocky Crastil are close to terms. We are not far apart at all! It’s just a matter of a couple hundred dollars or a six pack of Old Mill”

Doug Warren:

“We are at the end of the line… the end of a tradition that began with the Red Specs and continued with last year’s MD 20-20s …We’ll be in any ball game up until about the third or fourth inning. After that, our players tend to pass out.”

Mike Breen:

“We’ve got a guy on our team who throws like Satchel Paige, look like Clark Gable and runs like Marilyn Monroe. We’ve got another who runs like Clark Gable and looks like Andri Berlac. We may not win many games, but we’ll be fund to watch.”

Bob Hanks:

“We’ve got two holes in our infield – one at first and one at short. They are big holes, and I mean big””We’ve got two holes in our infield – one at first and one at short. They are big holes, and I mean big”